Debts can drive the sleep out of your peaceful nights. If you find that you’re always short on cash, and have the creditors asking you for payments, you can try to get rid of your debts through settlement.
Debt settlement is a process wherein a creditor accepts a sum lesser than the original amount from the debtor, and regards it as the full payment. The process also goes by the name of debt negotiation or debt arbitration.
You can seek debt settlement services or programs under certain circumstances mentioned below:
Usually, the professional debt settlement companies prefer to work with the consumers having debt worth $10,000 or more. However, there are some companies that may agree to settle the debts lower than $10,000. All you need to do is find such companies.
Debt settlement primarily helps you repay unsecured debts. This means that you can use debt settlement service to reduce debts, which are not secured by collateral.
A professional debt settlement company can help you settle the following debts:
Keep in mind that you can’t settle secured debts like mortgage.
You’ll have to pay a fee for using the professional debt settlement services. After the new debt settlement laws came into effect in the year 2010, the companies can’t charge any upfront fees. They can’t also charge exorbitant fees for their services. The companies can only charge fee on the total amount saved by you, the consumer, through debt settlement.
State laws also impose certain regulations, which an arbitrator must strictly follow while charging his fees. You can always compare Oak View Law Group’s fee structure with that of any other debt settlement company in order to get a fair idea about the costs involved in a settlement process.