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Debt amount cannot be empty.

Debt relief options to save money and avoid lawsuits

Our experts in 15 consumer law practice areas can help you win your legal battles.

Streamline your debts into one manageable monthly payment, reduce interest rates, and take a stress-free path to becoming debt-free. Take control of your financial life.

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Combine your high-interest payday loans into one affordable monthly payment. Lower interest rates and avoid the cycle of debt. Regain financial stability with ease.

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End the borrowing cycle by negotiating a lump sum payment that's less than what you owe. Save on late fees, high interest, and take strides toward financial freedom.

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Resolve your debts by making a negotiated lump sum payment, often less than the total owed. Reduce late fees, interest, and the overall debt amount. Take a leap towards financial peace.

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Wipe the slate clean by discharging most debts in 3-4 months while retaining some assets. It's a fresh financial start, freeing you from overwhelming debt.

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Retain your assets and restructure debts into a 3-5 year payment plan. Regain control and work towards a debt-free future while protecting what you've worked hard to acquire.

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What Our Clients Say About OVLG

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A letter from our Principal Attorney

My name is Lyle Solomon. I have worked with people like you since 1991.

I have helped:

- Reduce monthly payments
- Waive late fees
- Create a single, manageable monthly payment
- Reduce or eliminate collection calls
- Reduce interest rates

I charge fees on success. I've already helped 6700+ people become debt-free with the right strategies.

Lyle Solomon

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Debt and Consumer Laws: Do You Have Any Questions?

Ask Lyle Solomon, the author of Think Different, Save More and our Consumer Finance Attorney, your questions about debt. Your questions and our answers will be published to help you get out of debt.

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The Ripple Effect of Debt: Families in Financial Turmoil
The Ripple Effect of Debt: Families in Financial Turmoil
Household Debt Hits Record High, Impacting Millions of Americans The Federal Reserve Bank of New York reports total U.S. household debt has reached $17.69 trillion. This marks a new record affecting millions of Americans. Credit Card and Mortgage Debt Trends Credit card debt decreased by $14 billion in the first quarter of 2024 settling at $1.12 trillion. However, mortgage debt rose to $12.44 trillion an increase of $190 billion.
How Compound Interest Works in Retirement Planning
How Compound Interest Works in Retirement Planning
Imagine two friends, both age 25, who dream of retiring comfortably at 65. Sarah starts investing $300 a month while Tom waits until he's 35 to begin saving the same amount. By the time they retire, Sarah has over $1 million in her retirement account while Tom has just over $440,000. What made the difference? The power of compound interest.
14 Savvy Strategies to Reduce Child Care Costs
14 Savvy Strategies to Reduce Child Care Costs
Working parents who have small kids may spend a lot of money on different cost categories such as diapers, food, and clothing. But undoubtedly, child care cost is the most important and biggest expense that working parents need to manage. Depending on their neighborhood and the number of kids in early care, child care costs can exceed any household's average monthly mortgage payments.
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